The “Relationships” report in the Reports module of Retention CRM allows Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Nonprofits to analyze connections between contacts in their contact database.
General Functionality of “Relationships” report
Here’s a breakdown of the fields and options:
- Contact A & Contact B: These represent the two contacts in the relationship.
- Relationship A-B & Relationship B-A: These display the type of relationship between Contact A and Contact B, and vice versa (e.g., “Member Of” for A and “Has Member” for B).
Nursing Association Context:
- Contact A: This could be a Registered Nurse (RN) or a healthcare institution (Hospital, Clinic)
- Contact B: This could be the opposite of Contact A (e.g., RN for Hospital, Hospital for RN) or another relevant party (e.g., Nursing School, Alumni Association)
- Relationship A-B & Relationship B-A:
- RN – Hospital: “Member Of” (RN is a member of the hospital’s nursing staff) & “Has Member” (Hospital has RN on staff)
- RN – Nursing School: “Alumni Of” (RN graduated from the school) & “Has Alumni” (School has RN as an alumnus)
- Hospital – Alumni Association: “Member Of” (Hospital is a member of the association) & “Has Member” (Association has hospital as a member)
Additional Filters:
- Contact Type A & Contact Type B: Filter by contact type (e.g., Individual, Organization)
- Relationship Status: Filter active or inactive relationships.
- Relationship Dates Validity: Filter by start and/or end date of the relationship.
- Relationship: Select specific relationship types (e.g., “Member Of”, “Alumni Of”).
- Start Date & End Date: Define a date range for relationship creation.
- Active Period: Filter relationships active within a specific date range.
- Permissions: See if Contact A or B has permission to view each other’s records.
- Country, State/Province, Tag, Group: Further refine your search with geographic location, tags (e.g., “specialized nurse”), or group memberships (e.g., “oncology nurses”).
Using “Relationships” Report in Association Management
The nursing association wants to identify all hospitals with RNs who are association members. They can use the Relationships report with the following filters:
- Contact Type A: Organization
- Contact Type B: Individual
- Relationship A-B: Member Of (assuming hospitals are members)
- Relationship B-A: Has Member (assuming hospitals have nurses on staff)
- Contact B (Contact Type B): Filter by “RN” or a relevant nursing specialization tag.
This report will provide a list of hospitals (Contact A) that have member RNs (Contact B) along with additional details like contact information and permission settings. This allows the association to target these hospitals for specific programs or communication relevant to their RN members.
By utilizing these filters and understanding the relationships between contacts, the nursing association can gain valuable insights into their network and tailor their outreach efforts accordingly.
More Use Cases for Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Nonprofits
Alumni Association
- Goal: Identify alumni working in specific industries to connect them with current students seeking career guidance.
- Filters:
- Contact Type A: Individual (Alumni)
- Contact Type B: Individual (Current Students)
- Relationship A-B: Worked At (assuming alumni have past work experience)
- Relationship B-A: None (not applicable)
- Industry (Tag): Select relevant industries (e.g., tech, healthcare, finance)
- Outcome: The report generates a list of alumni (Contact A) with work experience in specific industries (based on tags) along with contact details of interested students (Contact B) seeking career guidance. This allows the association to facilitate mentorship programs or industry-specific networking events connecting alumni with current students.
Chamber of Commerce
- Goal: Analyze partnerships between member businesses to identify potential collaboration opportunities.
- Filters:
- Contact Type A: Organization (Business A)
- Contact Type B: Organization (Business B)
- Relationship A-B: Partner (custom relationship type for business partnerships)
- Relationship B-A: Partner (custom relationship type for business partnerships)
- Start Date & End Date: Define a date range to identify new partnerships
- Outcome: The report provides a list of current business partnerships (Relationships A-B & B-A) along with details of involved businesses (Contact A & B). By analyzing these partnerships, the chamber can identify businesses in complementary industries and recommend potential collaborations. This fosters a collaborative environment among chamber members.
Environmental Nonprofit
- Goal: Track volunteer participation in conservation projects and identify potential project leaders.
- Filters:
- Contact Type A: Individual (Volunteer)
- Contact Type B: Project (Conservation Project)
- Relationship A-B: Volunteer For (custom relationship type for volunteer participation)
- Relationship B-A: Has Volunteer (custom relationship type for project volunteers)
- Additional Filters: Group (e.g., “tree planting”, “beach cleanup”)
- Outcome: The report generates a list of volunteers (Contact A) involved in specific conservation projects (Contact B). By analyzing the number of volunteer participation (Relationships A-B), the nonprofit can identify potential project leaders and reach out to them for leadership opportunities. This helps the organization effectively manage their volunteer network and future conservation projects.