Case Types
The “Case Types” feature in the Cases Module in Retention CRM acts as categories to group similar interactions. This helps track specific issues, inquiries, or requests efficiently. Associations, Chambers of Commerce, and Nonprofits benefit greatly from Case Types because they can:
- Streamline workflows: By assigning specific staff or resources to different case types, inquiries are directed to the appropriate person for faster resolution.
- Report on trends: Tracking case types allows organizations to identify recurring issues or areas needing improvement in their services.
- Improve member/constituent satisfaction: Efficient case management leads to quicker response times and better resolution of member/constituent concerns.
The Cases module allows membership organizations to manage interactions with their members, donors, volunteers or other stakeholders in a structured way.
How to Use “Case Types” Feature in Association Management
Let’s look at the example Case Types in the context of a Nursing Association.
- Adult Day Care Referral: Used to connect members with adult day care options.
- Membership Application Inquiry: For inquiries and support related to applying for membership in the association.
- Networking Event Inquiry: For questions or concerns regarding upcoming networking events.
- Continuing Education (CE): To manage inquiries and issues related to Continuing Education programs offered by the association.
- Workplace Concern: For members to report and seek resolution for workplace concerns.
- Change of Address: A simple case type to update member contact information.
These Case Types help the nursing association categorize and manage member/constituent interactions effectively.
New Case Type
The “New Case Type” feature allows you to create additional categories for managing specific interactions. Here’s how you can set up a new Case Type for tracking “Campaign Status”:
- Title & Name: Enter “Campaign Status” for both.
- Description: Briefly explain how this case type will be used (e.g., Track the status of member engagement campaigns)
- Enabled?: Yes
- Activity Assignment Settings: Choose who will be responsible for managing these cases (e.g., Staff assigned to specific campaigns).
- Restrict to Groups/Website Users: Leave these options unchecked for now, allowing any member to submit a “Campaign Status” case.
Additional Options:
- Display Label: This can be customized (e.g., “Campaign Feedback”).
- Assign to Creator: Select “Yes” to automatically assign the case to the member who submits it.
- Case Coordinator: Select from the contact database of your Retention CRM’s instance.
- Restrict to Case Roles/Statuses/Activity Types/Standard Timeline: Leave these options unchecked for flexibility.
More Use Cases for Chambers of Commerce, Associations and Nonprofits
Association – Tracking Volunteer Engagement
An association can use Case Types to manage volunteer interactions. Here are some creative case types.
- Volunteer Application Inquiry: Track inquiries and support related to volunteer applications.
- Volunteer Orientation: Manage scheduling and communication for volunteer onboarding.
- Volunteer Project Assignment: Track volunteer assignments for specific projects or events.
- Volunteer Recognition Request: Manage requests to recognize outstanding volunteers.
- Volunteer Feedback: Collect and categorize volunteer feedback on their experience.
By analyzing these cases, the association can identify areas for improvement in volunteer recruitment, training, and recognition programs.
Chamber of Commerce – Business Advocacy Issues
A Chamber can leverage Case Types to manage member advocacy concerns. Here are some creative examples.
- Permitting & Licensing Issues: Track member concerns regarding business permits and licenses.
- Government Regulation Inquiry: Manage inquiries about new or existing regulations impacting businesses.
- Workforce Development Request: Track requests for workforce development programs or resources.
- Tax & Benefit Inquiry: Manage member inquiries on tax and benefit issues affecting businesses.
- Lobbying & Advocacy Update: Communicate legislative updates and advocacy efforts relevant to members.
Analyzing these cases helps the Chamber identify pressing issues for businesses and tailor their advocacy efforts accordingly.
Nonprofit – Donor Cultivation & Management
Nonprofits can utilize Case Types to manage donor interactions and track their giving journey. Here’s how
- Donation Inquiry: Track questions and concerns related to making a donation.
- Matching Gift Request: Manage requests for matching gift programs offered by donors’ employers.
- Major Donor Cultivation: Track interactions and progress in cultivating major donors.
- Grant Application Support: Manage inquiries and provide support for grant applications.
- Donor Feedback: Collect and categorize feedback from donors to improve fundraising strategies.
By analyzing these cases, the nonprofit can identify potential major donors, personalize communication, and address any issues hindering donations.
These are just a few examples, and Retention CRM allows you to create custom case types to fit your member-based organization’s specific needs. Remember to tailor the case types to your unique member/donor/volunteer interactions for maximum benefit.