From Email Addresses
The “From Email Addresses” feature in Email Marketing module of Retention CRM allows Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Nonprofit organizations to define various email addresses that can be used as the sender address when sending emails to contacts. By default, Retention CRM uses the logged-in user’s primary email address, but this feature provides more flexibility.
General Functionality of “From Email Addresses” Feature
- Label: This is a name displayed for the email address within Retention CRM for easy identification.
- Value: This is the actual email address that will be used in the “From” field of the email sent to contacts.
- Description: (Optional) A brief description of the email address and its purpose.
- Order: This defines the order in which the email addresses appear when selecting the “From” address during email creation. Lower numbers represent higher priority.
- Default: This option can be selected for only one email address at a time. The selected default address will be pre-filled when creating a new email.
- Reserved: This field is for system use and cannot be modified.
- Enabled? This option allows you to temporarily disable an email address without deleting it.
Using “From Email Addresses” Feature in Association Management
A nursing association can leverage “From Email Addresses” to segment communication based on the email’s content or recipient group. Here’s an example using the options provided:
- “FIXME” <> (Default): This can be a temporary placeholder you can rename and update later.
- “Membership Services” <>
- Label: Clearly identifies the department sending the email.
- Value: Dedicated email address for membership-related communication.
- Description: (Optional) “For all inquiries regarding membership applications, renewals, and benefits.”
- Order: Assign a high priority (e.g., 1) for membership-related emails.
Scenario: The nursing association wants to send an email blast about upcoming membership renewal deadlines. They would choose “Membership Services” ( as the “From” address as it clearly identifies the sender and purpose of the email. This helps members associate the email with their membership and increases the chance of them opening it.
Additional Options:
- “News & Events” <>: Use this for emails about association events, conferences, or newsletters.
- “Advocacy” <>: For emails regarding legislative issues, policy changes, or calls to action.
More Use Cases for Associations
Membership Services
A dedicated email address can be used for all communication regarding membership applications, renewals, and benefits. This helps members associate the email with their membership and increases the chance of them opening it.
News & Events
A separate email address can be used for emails about association events, conferences, or newsletters. This keeps these emails separate from other types of communication, such as membership updates.
A dedicated email address can be used for emails regarding legislative issues, policy changes, or calls to action. This allows members to easily identify emails about important advocacy issues.
By using descriptive labels and dedicated email addresses, Associations, Chambers and Nonprofits can ensure their emails are professional and informative, fostering better communication with their members, donors and other stakeholders.