Find Pledges
The “Find Pledges” feature in the Finance Management module of Retention CRM allows Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Nonprofits to search and filter existing pledge records.
General Functionality of ‘Find Pledges’ Feature
- Tracking progress: See how much has been pledged and how much is still outstanding for specific donors or campaigns.
- Generating reports: Identify trends in giving or analyze specific pledge categories.
- Following up with donors: Locate pledges that require reminders or need to be updated.
Let’s break down the search options:
- Contact Information: Search by pledger name, email address, contact type (individual, organization), or tags/groups associated with the donor.
- Deleted Contacts: Include “Search in Trash” to find pledges made by contacts who have been deleted.
- Payment Details: Filter by payment schedule (one-time, recurring), payment status (completed, overdue), or pledge amount range.
- Dates: Specify date ranges for when the pledge was made, or when payments are scheduled to start/end.
- Financial Type: Narrow down by the financial type associated with the pledge (e.g., membership dues, donations).
- Contribution Page: Search for pledges made through a specific online contribution form.
- Test Pledges: Include or exclude test pledges used for training purposes.
- Pledge Frequency & Installments: Filter by how often payments are expected (monthly, quarterly) and the number of installments.
- Acknowledgement: Find pledges where an acknowledgment email was sent (confirmation for the donor).
- Campaigns: Select pledges associated with specific fundraising campaigns.
Using ‘Find Pledges’ in Association Management
The American Nurses Association (ANA) is running a capital campaign to raise funds for a new educational scholarship program. They want to track the progress of pledges made during the campaign.
Using Search Options:
- Pledger Name or Email: Leave this blank for a general overview, or enter specific names to track individual pledges.
- Pledger Tags/Groups: Use a tag like “Scholarship Campaign” or a group like “ANA Donors” to identify relevant pledges.
- Campaigns: Select the “Scholarship Campaign” to find all pledges associated with it.
- Pledge Amounts: Set a range to see how much has been pledged in total for the campaign.
- Pledge Status: Filter by “Pending” to see outstanding pledges and prioritize follow-up efforts.
- Payments Start Date: This can be used to identify pledges with upcoming installments.
By combining these options, the ANA can generate a detailed report on pledges made towards the scholarship campaign. They can then:
- Identify donors who haven’t made their initial contribution.
- See which donors have outstanding installments and send friendly reminders.
- Track the overall progress of the campaign and adjust fundraising strategies if needed.
Additional Notes:
- The specific options used will depend on the nursing association’s needs and the structure of their Retention CRM setup.
- Retention CRM allows exporting search results for further analysis in spreadsheets or other reporting tools.
By effectively utilizing the “Find Pledges” feature, Associations, Chambers and Nonprofit organizations can gain valuable insights into their fundraising efforts and make informed decisions.