Manage Membership Price Sets
The “Manage Membership Price Sets” feature in Membership Management module of Retention CRM allows Associations, Chambers of Commerce and Nonprofit organizations to create flexible membership options with various pricing structures. This goes beyond the basic membership levels offered by Retention CRM’s membership module and caters to scenarios where a single membership level might not be sufficient.
General Functionality of “Manage Membership Price Sets” Feature
- Price Sets: These are essentially groups of membership options with different benefits or prices. You can create various price sets to categorize your membership offerings.
- Set Title: This is the name that identifies your price set. For example, “Nursing Association Membership Levels”.
- Used For: This specifies whether the price set is used for memberships, events, or contributions. In this case, it’s set to “Membership”.
- Enabled? This controls whether a particular price set is active or inactive.
- View and Edit Price Fields Settings: Clicking here allows you to define the specific membership options within a price set.
- Add Set of Price Fields: This button lets you create a new price set with its own membership options.
Using “Manage Membership Price Sets” Feature in Association Management
Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario where a nursing association wants to offer various membership levels with different benefits and fees:
- Create Price Set: Start by creating a new price set titled “Nursing Association Membership Levels” (Set Title).
- Enable and Edit Price Fields: Make sure the price set is enabled (“Enabled?”) and click “View and Edit Price Fields Settings”.
- Define Membership Options: Here, you can create different membership options within this price set. For example:
- Basic Membership: This could be the most affordable option with core benefits like access to the association newsletter and online resources.
- Standard Membership: This might include additional benefits like discounted continuing education courses or networking events, at a higher fee.
- Premium Membership: This could offer the most comprehensive benefits, including committee participation privileges and journal subscriptions, at the highest price point.
- Assign Benefits and Prices: For each membership option, define the specific benefits offered and set the corresponding membership fee.
- Import Members: Memberships module’s “Import Memberships” feature allows you to import a list of new members and assign them to the appropriate membership option within your price set. This saves time compared to manually adding each member.
- Flexibility: Price sets cater to diverse membership needs by offering a variety of options.
- Increased Revenue: Tiered memberships with varying benefits can attract a wider range of members and potentially generate more revenue.
- Streamlined Administration: Managing memberships within price sets simplifies administration and reduces errors.
More Use Cases for Associations
Membership with Family Plans
- Associations can create a price set with membership options for individuals and families.
- The individual membership option would have a set fee, while the family plan could offer a discounted rate per additional family member.
- This caters to families and encourages them to join together.
Discounted Membership for Students/Seniors
- A price set can be designed with separate membership options for students and seniors.
- These options would have a lower fee compared to the regular membership.
- This attracts a wider range of members and promotes inclusivity.
Membership with Optional Add-Ons
- An association can create a price set with a base membership level and optional add-on benefits.
- The base membership would include core benefits, while add-ons could offer things like access to special events or publications at an extra charge.
- This allows members to customize their membership and pay only for the benefits they desire.
By effectively using “Manage Membership Price Sets”, an association, chamber of commerce or not-for-profit organization can create a membership pricing structures that caters to different member needs and helps them achieve their financial goals.